
Professional Soft Skills Training & Development

Major offerings

There is a wellness and development crisis in Corporate Global, reflected in recent news regarding demanding work conditions and tragic outcomes.
Specifically in finance careers like investment banking and private equity, the highly demanding nature of the job, combined with a relentless desire on the part of emerging talent professionals to overachieve at all costs, is having a detrimental impact on the well-being and productivity of the workforce.
Additionally, the remote isolation experienced during the global COVID-19 pandemic led to gap in direct apprenticeship learning opportunities to develop professional soft skills.
The result is a growing need for organizations to address these wellness and development problems, or continue to suffer high attrition, low morale and inability to execute on their revenue objectives.
World class corporations and universities invest heavily in junior talent, providing comprehensive technical and analytical (“hard skills”) training via in-house programs and well established third-party training firms. This training enables the emerging professionals to achieve the competence required to become efficient processors. However, to ascend to the level of creative problem solver, client manager and revenue producer, additional training in professional soft skills, self-management and wellness is required.
For organizations who have invested so much in these bright young stars, poor wellness outcomes, higher attrition and diminishing productivity is unacceptable.
The mission of Van Buren Advisory is to deliver creative, engaging and effective Professional Soft Skills Training & Development to students and emerging talent professionals.
Additional services include 1-on-1 coaching and management consulting on matters such as leadership, culture, program structure, and DE&I.

Online, On Demand Training Courses

Coming Fall 2024. "Climb To The Top: Self-Management, Development & Wellness" is a comprehensive online, on-demand course offering. The 60+ episode course is a plan to achieve career success with fulfillment and wellness, based on Frank's 35+ years of experience in the US Army, Investment Banking & Sales & Trading and bank leadership.

Group Training Modules

VBA is uniquely suited to partner with leading talent training firms, universities and corporations to directly deliver early career and transition training via packages of development modules complementary to the traditional focus on technical skills. The programs will be customized during an initial client needs assessment, and can be used for on boarding or refresher training. Modules can be constructed to focus on several themes, including Professional Soft Skills, Self-Management, Self-Development, Introspection, Veterans Transition, Teamwork, Leadership, DE&I and Wellness.

Executive Coaching

In addition to group training, VBA offers I-on-I or small group coaching packages, either in a situational (as needed) or consistent cadence. The offering can be customized to meet client needs and is determined in an initial client assessment consultation.

Corporate Consulting

VBA offers advisory services to management teams on early talent and transition programs. Topics span the complete range of talent development categories, including recruiting, mentoring, training, retention, internal mobility, DE&I, culture and wellness. Services are customized to client needs, but include assessment, analysis, design, formation, execution and monitoring.

Keynote Speaking and Panel Discussions

Frank Van Buren is available to speak on a wide range of topics including talent development, military-veteran issues, career transition, Recruiting, Investment Banking-Sales & Trading business and organizational culture.


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