Client Testimonials

Most gifted teacher I have ever known

“I met Frank on the first day of my first job out of college 13 years ago. He is by the far the most gifted teacher I have ever known. The ability to take complex and advanced financial instruments and break them down in such a way that anyone can understand them is a rare skill set. I was a deer in headlights for months at my new job, not knowing the vernacular and concepts that take many years to learn, but Frank had a unique and effective way of breaking information down, along with the willingness and the desire to help young, inexperienced people learn the ropes. I watched for a decade as new summer interns and new hires were drawn to Frank again and again in awe, as they would learn more from him in 25 minutes than they did during all their time in college. He was truly one of the greatest mentors I have ever had. Frank’s integrity, his character, and his willingness to help others succeed is what makes him the man that he is. It was an honor and a privilege to sit next to him for 10 years, but more importantly, I am proud today to call him my friend. In addition to myself, I speak for countless others when I say I would not have made it without him”.

Frank Cornely

Director, High Yield Sales

Impressed by his ability to engage

“Over the past few years, Frank has participated in a variety of speaking events for the Wells Fargo Securities recruiting team. At each event, I am always impressed by his ability to engage a wide variety of candidates and help them learn more about our business through his clear and relatable communication style. He is able to take what is sometimes a dry and boring subject, and make it palatable and interesting for students with a diverse background of financial acumen. We are so fortunate to be able to count on Frank and his leadership in coaching the many young students who visit Wells Fargo Securities!”

Jordan McAdams

HR Executive

Unique ability to break down his experiences

“The list of military veterans with impressive public/private sector resumes is long and Frank’s is no exception. What sets Frank apart is his unique ability to break down his experiences and gained wisdom into simple concepts that can resonate with anyone. The first time I met him he was presenting on the relationship between the private side of investment banking and the public side of sales & trading. Prior to meeting Frank, I often found myself in over my head when the vague and complex world of “finance” ever came up. In 30 minutes Frank had given me a comprehensive roadmap, easily internalized, that I use to this day working in High Yield Sales & Trading. Always the optimist, Frank is an inspirational and magnetic spirit. His vast network of relationships built over a career are a true reflection of what a special person he is.”

Casey Carroll

Managing Director - HY Sales (former US Army Ranger)

Communication and Leadership

“If you want to learn how to lead with greater impact and influence and present your best self, you want Frank on your team. For individuals who have an opportunity to speak with Frank, it will be immediately apparent that he truly has a deep grasp of the business, strategy, execution, and relationship side of the finance industry. While there were plenty of knowledgeable experts on the trading floor, communication and leadership were what set Frank apart. And because of his confidence, control of language, and proactive willingness to help others, he was able to inspire loyalty in the people around him. His compassion and genuine interest in others, likely brought on by a diverse and colorful set of experiences, made people feel right at home. Through watching Frank in action, I have learned that there is an art to persuasive storytelling, that humor and laughter can be a vehicle to deliver unique thought, and that fearless commitment to the moment, no matter how scary, is part of the journey to great public speaking.”

Alan Zhao

Co-founder & CTO, Warmly

Clear ability to communicate and connect

“ Frank Van Buren is an experienced professional and dynamic leader who has a passion for using his experiences, insight, and voice to make a difference in the lives of others. Frank is especially gifted at communicating with young people. His authenticity, sense of humor and strong, clear ability to communicate and connect with an audience have made an impact on our high school students in both the College LAUNCH for Leadership Program and the Summer Immersion Program’s Business and Entrepreneurship Institute.”

Betsy Schneider

Director Pre-College Programs

Engaging and knowledgeable

“Frank served as a guest speaker for the Wake Forest Summer Immersion Business and Entrepreneurship Institute and was both engaging and knowledgeable. His ability to translate high-level finance and banking concepts into scenarios high school students understand and can apply is unmatched! Thank you for helping develop and positively impact our students and their future.”

Kyla Hollingsworth

Executive Director Pre-College Programs

Mastery of life skills

“ Frank has a lifetime of success and what I call a mastery of life skills. He has successfully served our country, raised an amazing family, and navigated the difficult world of high finance. Frank is one of the most impactful speakers I have seen. He has the ability to shed clarity, give direction and motivate in a way that connects with whom he is talking to – especially when Frank talks to younger generations. Frank has the ability to capture and hold the attention of those he is talking to, allowing his message to not only be heard, but internalized. I have seen Frank speak to a group of young men for several years as a guest speaker for an organization called Our Common Thread. Frank’s selfless spirit and willingness to share his wisdom has made a meaningful impact on many who have participated in this program.”

Mark Adamson

Executive Director

Intentional with his advice and rarely waste words

“ Frank is a mentor and friend, who I am grateful to have in my life. He made himself available to me when I first began my career at Wells Fargo and gave me insight on how to achieve longevity and true success as a professional. Frank is intentional with his advice and rarely waste words. For that reason, I cling to the things he shares with me and I take every opportunity to spend time with him. If you are looking for someone who can motivate, challenge, and build with… Frank is your guy. Thanks for all you do FVB!”

Keon Williams

Vice President, Trader
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